Hi I’m Donna, a product designer, passionate about meaningful designs made truly for the user
Encouraging donations & increasing awareness of company initiatives through point allocation feature
Enhancing parent’s experience of renting children’s clothes through feature definition & streamlining content
Bringing Traditional Chinese Medicine to the modern consumer
South Mountain - coming soon
Technical Capabilities
Competitor & User research
Heuristic analysis
Affinity mapping
Journey mapping
Task analysis
Persona creation
User flows
Usability testing
Information architecture
Usability testing
Concept sketches
Interaction design
About me
With a diverse digital background and extensive experience in e-commerce operations at GUCCI, I am passionate about optimising experiences and advocating for the user.
I bring the same curiosity about human needs to my designs, ensuring they truly prioritise the user’s experience through research rather than opinion.
Outside of design, I love looking for new Tiktok recipes trends, Marie Kondo-ing my wardrobe, and having staring competitions with my dog, Louis.